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Wednesday, January 17, 2007Monkey vs. TigerAccording to a recent New York Times article, our minds are just a little monkey riding a tiger: A bevy of experiments in recent years suggest that the conscious mind is like a monkey riding a tiger of subconscious decisions and actions in progress, frantically making up stories about being in control. The same can be said of a screenplay. The tiger is the story you want to tell. The monkey jumps around and fills in all the little details, makes you laugh, flings poop, and grinds his little organ, but the tiger just goes where he's gonna go anyway. But sometimes, the monkey tries to take over. "Look at me! Look at me!" he says, as he distracts you from noticing the tiger has gotten up and left. So you're there sitting around like a jerk watching some monkey fling poop, while the tiger's off doing something cool, like gracefully stalking it's prey. While he's at it, he'll probably eat the monkey too. The point is this. When the monkey and the tiger disagree -- always go with the tiger. Get that damn monkey in line. Watching a monkey on the back of a tiger is pretty cool. But watching a tiger eat a monkey carcass and fall asleep gets pretty boring pretty quickly.
The spell checker doesn't catch things in the title. It's now corrected. I'll be more careful in the future.
oh and if you want to clear up any of Sludgehammer's confusion... everything you need to know about a Mokey is here:
It took all the strength I had not to do an elaborate photoshop of Mokey in a fight to the death with Tigger.
Blogger is too cool to care if you spell words right. All the cool kids are spelling words wrong these days with their new-fangled "text messaging".
This thread has diverged greatly from the original topic. Which perfectly illustrates my monkey / Tiger point. This thread is the perfect example of what happens when you let the monkey take over.
I empathize with the monkey more than you know, as I empathize with people everywhere unable to fight their oppressors, and unable to take control of their own destiny. I empathize with the monkey, but I respect the Tiger.
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