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Tuesday, August 08, 2006The Movie in your Head
There's a movie in your head. It's a really, really good movie. You watch it over and over again in your mind, and every time it just gets better. If only you had the chance, this movie would gross more than Titanic, Star Wars, and Shrek 2 combined. And the critics will LOVE it. We're talking another Citizen Kane here!
Do not make this movie. You will fail. You will make the worst piece of crap humanly imaginable. Why? There are a number of reasons. You have no money, for one. No experience, for another. What you'll end up with is a movie that's absolutely nothing like the one in your head to anyone but you. Every time YOU watch it, your head will fill in all the gaps, and it'll be great. But to everyone else, they'll see something that kind of touches on the outline of something that might be great, if they could see how the dots really are supposed to be connected. Which they can't. So what do you do? It's a simple process: Step 1. Start making the movie in your head. Just because you don't know what you're doing, doesn't mean it's not a great idea. And hey, you gotta start somewhere. Step 2. Look at the movie you've started to make. Figure out what works. Figure out what doesn't work. Work with people. Try to get an honest opinion out of them. Most importantly, don't worry if what doesn't work is a result of people not getting what's in your head. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Save it for a future project if you like it so much. Step 3. Put a new movie in your head. The new movie has all the elements that work best from Step 2. Beyond that, the sky's the limit. The important thing is to not throw out what's good, because it doesn't match an initial pre-conceived notion. Step 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until a movie exists.
I think our first feature should be a remake of Citizen Kane, but using all chimpanzees. Instead of Kane dropping the snowshaker, he flings poop.
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