Things are coming together. Just sent out the kickoff email for this weekend's shoot:
Welcome cast and crew!
The day is nearly upon us for the filming of the Frequency of Damnation. Saturday, we shoot. Sunday we edit. Monday, we will have a completed film. The first Words Pictures Movies weekend film will be complete. History will be made. There will be much rejoicing.
Some important notes:
We are shooting this Saturday April 8th. Call time is 7 AM for leads and essential crew, 8 AM for extras.
We'll be shooting around Douglass campus. The meeting place will be Nicholas Music Center. There is as large parking lot nearby. For map and directions:
Email me if you need more detailed directions.
- Siva and only Siva will wear red. We'll supply a red sweatshirt, but feel free to bring any other red shirts you might have that might fit better.
- Neil will be stabbed, so we'll provide a shirt that can get bloody. If you can let us know your size, that will help. Also, please bring a not red change of clothes, so we can cover all our bases.
- Everyone else can pretty much wear what you want, as long as it's not red. The weather is currently calling for chilly with a chance of showers. Dress appropriately for the weather. Feel free to bring an umbrella.
- Food and coffee will be on hand.
- If you have any questions before Saturday, Drop us an email at, and we'll address it as soon as possible.
- If you need to get in touch on Saturday (lost, running late, etc.) you can call my Cell phone.
That's all I can think of for now. See everyone on Saturday!