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Thursday, February 23, 2006


The Blackness of our Thumbnails

The on-line marketing blitz is underway, albeit with some technical difficulties.

Google Video has six of our films up, yet somehow, the "random selection" of thumbnails always chooses the one frame of black when things fade out or in. We'll keep working with them to get some decent thumbnails on there, so we can throw our films into the eyeballs of the window shopping masses. Or if that doesn't work, remove all frames of pure black from everything we do.

There's got to be something symbolic there.

We've also got a new MySpace with very little on it. Films will appear shortly, as soon as we can upload them without receiving "Unknown Errors", or we give up and link them from external sources.

And last but not least there's YouTube. The saving grace of all online filmmaking. Click the link above to view all our films, rate them up, comment, etc.

Any other suggestions on how we can inundate cyberspace with our filmmaking glory? Drop us an email at wordspicturesmovies@gmail.com.


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